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CDC: Outbreaks Associated with Untreated Recreational Water in the U.S. (2000–2014)

A comprehensive report on public health data detailing 140 outbreaks in untreated recreational waters in the United States, highlighting causes, impacted populations, and preventative measures.

CDC: Bacteria Outbreak (2022)

Discover how an improperly treated Pennsylvania pool led to an E. coli outbreak among children, unraveling crucial insights for preventing similar incidents.

CDC: Outbreaks with Treated Recreational Water

Explore essential insights and preventive measures for outbreaks in public aquatic venues, highlighting key data and recommendations from the CDC for safer swimming environments.

Cryptolyte - Cutting-Edge RWI Reduction Technology

Combat Recreational Water Illness with Cryptolyte®'s EPA-approved, patented technology for unparalleled pool safety and pristine water quality.

Transform Your Indoor Pool Safety with Cryptolyte

Discover how Cryptolyte® technology dramatically improves air and water quality by mitigating harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in indoor aquatic facilities, ensuring a safer and cleaner swimming environment.

Purdue Blatchley: Enhancing Indoor Pool Air and Water Quality

Explore how innovative water treatment modifications can significantly improve air and water quality in indoor pool facilities, reducing harmful disinfection byproducts and enhancing swimmer safety.

UV formation of DBPs in Pools

Discover the impact of combined UV irradiation and chlorination on swimming pool water chemistry and disinfection byproducts through an insightful three-year study.

UV formation of THMs in Pools

Dive into groundbreaking research on how UV treatment affects the formation of disinfection by-products in swimming pool water, revealing crucial insights for safer and clearer pools.