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Indoor Water and Air Quality

Formation of DBPs

Chlorine is a very effective disinfectant for the treatment of recreational water. However when chlorine reacts with organic based contaminants added to the pool water by swimmers (e.g. urea, enzymes in saliva etc.), undesirable reactions occur resulting in the formation of volatile chlorinated disinfection byproducts (DBP).

  • Respiratory discomfort
  • Irritation of the sinus, nose and eyes
  • Corrosion of equipment
  • Increased energy cost associated with excess outside air exchange

Cost of DBPs


Corroded Dehumidifier


Corroded Air Handler


Lets Have A Conversation

Ensuring healthy and safe swimming environments through advanced water treatments.

Mitigating DBPs

Cryptolyte® with Breathe EZ Activator Immediate Impact

Implementing Cryptolyte® with Breathe EZ Activator dramatically decreases trichloramine levels in pool water, ensuring a healthier and more pleasant swimming environment. This PATENTED treatment rapidly reduces harmful irritants, leading to improved air quality around the pool and minimizing respiratory and eye discomfort for swimmers. Cryptolyte® delivers immediate, sustained results, promoting safer and cleaner recreational water, and significantly enhancing overall public health.

Data Before & After Cryptolyte® with Breathe EZ Activator

Before Filter
After Filter

Other DBP and precursors (i.e. Urea) the following days (right of RED line) after implementation of Cryptolyte® with Breathe EZ Activator.