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Remediating RWI

Mitigating RWI

Urea is contributed thru perspiration and urine from bathers and is accountable for the vast majority (~80%) of organic-N (Nitrogen) responsible in the formation of Trichloramine.

Fig. 1 Cryptolyte® rapidly oxidizes Urea as it is being introduced into the pool water.

Fig. 2 shows Trichloramine concentration Days & Hours leading up to starting treatment. Within hours of implementing the treatment, the Trichloramine concentration plummeted. A 10-fold reduction in trichloramine was achieved and sustained during comparable bather loading (time of day) throughout the remainder of the study.

Cryptolyte® accelerates oxidation of the organic contaminants contributed by swimmers and existing DBPs thereby inhibiting accumulation. Oxidation Potential (ORP) remains elevated.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

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Discover how we can help you maintain the highest standards in pool water hygiene.

Cryptolyte® Chemical Treatment

Cryptolyte® rapidly penetrates the protective membranes of chlorine resistant Cryptosporidium oocyst compromising the protective membrane and killing the sporozoites within.


Before Cryptolyte® Cryptosporidium oocyst 1000x Epifluorescence


After Cryptolyte® Remnants of Crypto oocyst 1000x Epifluorescence

The same powerful effects are exerted on Biofilms & Bacteria throughout the ENTIRE water & circulating system. The Rate of Remediation is NOT determined by Circulation Rate like side-stream treatments (e.g. UV, Ozone). Cryptolyte® provides Controlled, Confirmed & Documented Remediation of Chlorine Resistant Pathogens.
